Saturday, August 15, 2009

Pelosi’s New House Un-American Activities Committee
...In the black-and-white films I loved as a child, the good guy Americans were always contrasted with the foreign, un-American guys—complete with identifying scars—slapping their prisoners to make them talk. So why is the Obama administration fighting in courts in San Francisco, Washington and London “to keep an official veil of secrecy over the treatment of a former prisoner who says he was tortured at Guantanamo Bay,” and why is Secretary of State Hillary Clinton threatening “to limit U.S. intelligence-sharing with Great Britain if the [British high] court disclosed details of [his] treatment in Guantanamo”? (See details here.) And of course Pelosi herself has successfully obfuscated the record on her knowledge of and complicity in the use of torture during the Bush administration....

...“The American Way” used to be that those who worked hard, were honest, and served their fellow man did well, and those who didn’t went broke. Now, those who work hard and save lose their shirts in a government-fueled trainwreck and get taxed to bail out those who took on risky ventures and paid themselves fancy bonuses to boot. Meanwhile, government bail-out programs like TARP can’t account for the billions appropriated to them, big banks-formerly-known-as-investment banks are making even greater record profits, and the average Joe playing by the rules is out of luck. Who’s responsible for this un-American state of affairs and how do we get our money back?...