Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Stunning Explanation For The French Media's Shameful Defense Of Strauss-Kahn
...But there's another, more insidious aspect that's highlighted in a note from the research firm GaveKal, and that's the incestuous relationship between French media and the government.

First, the firm notes that government monopolies subsidize French newspapers significantly via ads. Various government-owned or partially government-owned companies (EDF, SNCF, Gaz de France, La Poste, Air France), buy extensively. That's one reason not to piss off elites.

The other, more shocking aspect is the ownership structure of big French media.

Did you know that newspaper Le Figaro is owned by aerospace manufacturer Dassault? Imagine if the NYT were owned by Boeing!

Other publications, like Paris Match are owned by Lagardere, and insutrial company with a big stake in EADS.

And beyond aerospace, the big media outlet TF1 is owned partially by Bouygues, a construction company that's hugely dependent on government money....