Sunday, October 16, 2011
The Truth About Advertising
College know-it-all hippies lead the left hilariously astray.
...Gutting goes on to argue that it is even more insidious for corporations to try to influence "debates over public policy," apparently oblivious to the irony that, under the aegis of the New York Times Co., he is doing just that.
But Gutting's throwaway line about advertising was what got our attention, for it reveals more than we suspect he realizes. For one thing, it reveals that he has fallen short of the assignment the Times gave him, which is to "apply critical thinking." A moment of critical thinking applied to his description of advertising shows it to be nonsense....
...To put it more concisely, the Democrats were counting on the voters to be stupid enough to clamor for Stimulus Jr. because the Democrats had named it "American Jobs Act." But their plan may be undone because the voters are even more stupid and will have forgotten all this a year from now.
We'd venture to say that the opposite is true: Having seen the so-called Recovery Act squander hundreds of billions without producing a recovery, voters are smart enough not to fall for that obvious ploy again.
Another example comes from London's Independent, where NASA global warmist James Hansen complains that, as the paper puts it, "climate sceptics are winning the argument with the public over global warming"...