Sunday, February 10, 2013

Climate change: apocalypse postponed
Even scientists at the forefront of climate-change alarmism accept the world isn’t warming as quickly as once thought.

...Because amid all the heat about climate-change ‘alarmists’ and ‘deniers’, and the claims that the world is about to get unbearably hot over the next few decades, the ‘consensus’ view on where temperatures are heading has become more moderate in recent times - which should have consequences for how we approach the problem of tackling climate change.

One area that has attracted considerable attention is the lack of rising temperatures in the past decade or so. Climate sceptics have been loudly pointing at this fact for some time, but have been dismissed by what might be called the climate-change establishment. However, in recent months, there has been a quiet recognition that temperatures are not rising anything like as fast as expected, despite greenhouse-gas emissions galloping upwards....

...More generally, there has been a scaling down of expectations on global warming, a fact well illustrated by the New York Times environment writer, Andrew Revkin, in a recent blog post. Revkin observes that ‘there is an accumulating body of reviewed, published research shaving away the high end of the range of possible warming estimates from doubled carbon dioxide levels’....