Sunday, September 08, 2013

Another ObamaCare delay — and giveaway
...Many union plans didn’t meet the requirements of the ACA, either offering too little coverage, or more often, too much — making them “Cadillac plans” subject to penalties. While this blurb is a bit vague, it appears that HHS has taken the heat off of the unions by deciding not to enforce those mandate requirements on union plans. It’s not clear whether this addresses the other union demand to make those in these plans eligible for federal health-insurance subsidies. If not, and it doesn’t seem to mean that from Reuters’ reporting, then the AFL-CIO complaint that employees will bail out of their plans to go into the exchanges still looks like a real problem for unions that derive plenty of income from their insurance plans.

The other issue that has unions belatedly balking at ObamaCare is the erosion of full-time work. Frobes’ Grace-Marie Turner argued yesterday that this was a real problem, corroborated by real data and not just anecdotes, and explains why delaying the employer mandate didn’t make a bit of difference...