Sunday, December 13, 2015

The women who haven't had sex for more than a decade: What it's like to be celibate and why it's all men's fault
...This was certainly true for thrice-divorced Shirley Yanez, 59, who has been celibate for 15 years....

HuffPo: 'I Left My Husband For Him, But He Didn't Return The Favor'
...A year ago, I was THAT mom -- the one who seemed to have it all together, who had it all in some ways: two beautiful boys, a nice home, a good man and father to our kids. I cooked the meals and coordinated professional family photos, planned vacations, sent out Christmas cards, etc. I had a rigid schedule but made time to run and managed to be in decent physical shape.

But something was missing. In my marriage, I felt alone. Why wasn't I happy?...

...He thought my tattoos were cool when my husband did not, we shared an appreciation for swear words, his sweet tooth was just as terrible as mine and we shared a Starbucks addiction. One day, I looked at him in a different light and realized that I loved him as more than a friend. He knew more about me than anyone, made me feel beautiful, embraced my quirkiness... I knew at that moment he was the love of my life and my heart belonged to him. There was a problem: He was married and so was I....