Monday, July 21, 2003

The California massacre story you didn't read

Mass murder in California
Elderly man mows down dozens with automatic weapon

An 86-year old man wielding an automatic weapon of immense destructive power murdered 9 people and wounded 45 others, 10 critically, in a deadly rampage in Santa Monica, California. The dead and injured far outnumber the totals of the infamous Columbine shootings, and represent one of the largest mass killings since the murder of 86 people in their Waco, Texas church in 1993. Police chief Police Chief James T. Butts Jr. characterized the slaughter as "The worst I've seen" in his 30+ year career.

Police say the man had a valid license for the powerful weapon, whose speed and power match anything owned by the police department. Why the elderly man needed such a large, powerful weapon, and why he was granted a license for it, were not disclosed. One police source, speaking anonymously, said

that the elderly and gang members tend to favor the automatic version of these weapons as they are both large and powerful while being easier to aim and use than the manual versions.

The power of the weapon was evident in both the speed and efficiency of the massacre. It took less than 30 seconds to kill 9 people, including a 3-year old child, and wound at least 45 others. The weapon was barely warm to the touch after its deadly work was done. State Police impounded the weapon and confirmed that it remained fully functional after the rampage was over, fully capable of inflicting still more carnage. The murderer was found with one body at his feet and another draped over his weapon. All ambulances and medical helicopters in the area were required to evacuate the dead and injured. At least 10 people remain hospitalized in serious or critical condition....