Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Driving Jesus crazy

Sooner or later, there had to be a backlash against the largely American phenomenon of preempting political debate by injecting "Jesus" into whatever social or political argument happened to dominate the hour. The fad started several years ago and quickly found favor among a surprisingly broad swath of the U.S. population, young and old, men and women, right and left....

Last year, the all-purpose slogan got a bit more specific, and quite a bit more risible, with the launch of a campaign (complete with a Web site) urging people to ask themselves, "What Would Jesus Drive?"

...The backlash was inevitable for several reasons. "WWJD?" was far too easy to make fun of (best joke, attributed to a San Francisco Chronicle contributor: Jesus would tool around in an old Plymouth, because the Bible says God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden in a Fury)....