Monday, November 15, 2004

Bush, God and the Election
...Just as important in Bush's success is his approach to foreign policy since the attacks of September 11. Under the mantle of a "war on terrorism," the president and his administration have converged a religious fundamentalist worldview with a political agenda. It is a modern form of political fundamentalism--that is, the adaptation of a self-proclaimed conservative Christian rectitude, via sophisticated strategic communications, into political policy. This fusion of religion and politics has offered comfort to a nation gripped by anxiety about terrorism and the U.S. position in the world.

The administration's political fundamentalism is evident in a striking change in White House rhetoric. Presidents since Franklin Roosevelt have spoken as petitioners of God, seeking blessing, favor, and guidance; this president positions himself as a prophet, issuing declarations of divine desires for the nation and world. Put simply, Bush's language suggests that he speaks not only of God and to God, but also for God. Among modern presidents, only Ronald Reagan has spoken in a similar manner--and he did so far less frequently than has Bush....

...Over the past three years, however, the administration's religious-cum-political outlook has transformed Bush's "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists" policy to "Either you are with us, or you are against God." To the great detriment of American democracy and the global public, this suggestion sounds remarkably similar to that of the terrorists we are fighting.

Further, it is clear that a good number of Americans--including many of religious faith--and billions of global citizens are leery of this president's fusion of politics and religion. To cite just one example, more than 200 U.S. evangelical leaders in October signed a petition that condemns the administration's convergence of God and nation in constructing a "theology of war."

Unfortunately it is likely that the president, who spoke after his re-election about his newly earned "political capital," is not listening. As a result, we will continue to face this frightening prospect: two leaders of powerful forces, both claiming assuredly that they are performing God's will, acting so as to annihilate the other.