Tuesday, December 14, 2004

what progressives want
I think it can be broken down to this: Progressive and liberal Christians want to have conservative Christians to say to them, "I respect your viewpoints, and I maintain that there is a place for you within Orthodox Christianity."

I think that's it. Simple, eh? Then we want to be treated like those conservative Christians believe what they say. That's it. I don't need conservative Christians to quit being conservative. I just want to be a part of the 'Christian' club sometimes...or at least treated like I'm a welcome member.

Beyond that, arguing till we're blue in the face is pretty fun, sometimes. I don't mind having a discussion about evolution, or gay marriage, or whatever the issue of the day is as long as we can come back to that one unifying principle. That my social and political beliefs don't negate for me the possibility of fellowship with people....