Sunday, May 12, 2013

New left-wing coalition begs Tribune Company: Don’t sell the LA Times to the Koch brothers
We’ve reached the point now where they have to buy the paper if only out of spite, right? They’ve spent the last three or four years as the left’s Emmanuel Goldstein. They must be enjoying the infantile histrionic angst at the prospect of them chipping off a piece of liberals’ media monopoly. Even if there’s a boycott of the paper, which of course is what this “coalition” is preparing to galvanize, it’d be worth it to them for the larfs.

Two fun facts about the coalition. One: It insists that a media outlet owned by “intensely partisan activists could not be trusted to provide an honest account of a wide variety of issues that are of vital importance to the public.” Two: One of the coalition members is Daily Kos....

CBSNews Bigs Fret That Sharyl Attkisson is Coming "Dangerously Close to Advocacy"
Why is it so important that the Kochs do not buy the LA Times?

Why is it so important for the liberals to push out the only reporter who covered Benghazi?

"Ghettoization." If the "neutral media" -- actually liberal as hell -- can present a unified party line on stories, always supporting one another and never showing a crack in the wall, they can sneer at stories they don't like by saying "Only Fox claims that."

This becomes unhelpful to the liberals for the same reason it's helpful to conservatives. Conservatives always say "Wow, now it's on CBS!" We call that vindication -- that it's gotten out of the ghetto to the liberal media. That even the liberal media was forced to cover that....

...Similarly, the media can never be embarrassed by its liberal bias and deliberate suppression of the news for political purposes if no one in the media ever breaches the wall of silence and clues the public in to what it's hiding. Even though CBS is currently pointing at Sharyl Atkkisson as The Only Network Reporter Who Reported on Benghazi, they're resentful about it, because her work stands as a rebuke to their own, and as a rebuke to their politicization of the news for the benefit of a political party....