Tuesday, February 10, 2004

When Passion is Reduced to a Door Hanger
...First of all, I want to applaud the church for its boldness in supporting an R-rated movie. I don’t know about you, but I’ve heard plenty of sermons over the years on why Christian adults shouldn’t see R-rated movies. To discount a film purely because of its rating has always seemed a bit shortsighted and narrow to me. So I’m thrilled to think that perhaps we’re finally moving past a policy of blind abstinence.

When explaining the R-rating, I’ve heard people say, “Well, it’s rated R—for reality.” Indeed, most Christian leaders who’ve seen the film have said The Passion is historically and biblically accurate. To quote Pope John Paul II: “It is as it was.” But is that to say that other films do not depict reality?

I think back a few years to The Accused in which Jodi Foster played a young woman gang-raped on a pinball machine. Or to other movies showing graphic inner-city violence. Were these films not based in reality? Do they not also reflect the ugly truth that is sometimes woven into the human journey?

As the church wrestles with The Passion of the Christ and its raw depictions of Jesus’ last days, I’m curious what will happen after the film. Will we promote other R-rated films from the pulpit or will we go back to our “No R-rated films” stance? Will we say that “Jesus violence” is okay, but reject other hard-to-watch films?

If we do, I think we risk looking hypocritical at best, and bigoted at worst. ...

...Speaking of agendas, it’s fascinating to me to see the groundswell of activity surrounding this film. Not only are we slapping up posters and buying tickets like crazy, we’re turning the film into the centerpiece of a whole evangelistic campaign. At thepassionoutreach.com, the main banner proclaims, “Perhaps the best outreach opportunity in 2000 years.” Can’t think of your own way to respond to (or ride) the film’s popularity? No problem. The site gives you 13 pre-packaged ideas—everything from a suggested sermon series, to a saturation mailing. In Canada, you can even go to Passion training—sessions where you’ll learn to share your personal testimony in 3 minutes.

On the one hand, I applaud the church’s enthusiasm. After years of opposing popular culture and non-traditional art forms, I’m encouraged that we’re moving forward. I’m pleased to see that we’re attempting to address culture in the movie house, not just the “house of the Lord.” At the same time, however, I’m nervous that we’re attempting to shrink wrap the gospel and turn art—Mel Gibson’s personal vision of the crucifixion of Christ--into something it was never meant to be: propaganda.

The Passion booklets, The Passion-themed Bibles, The Passion jewelry…it just goes on and on. Churches have developed ads to air before the film. Little spots that say, “See the movie then come join us on Sunday.” No offense, but I don’t particularly like seeing commercials for Chrysler before a movie, let alone commercials for Christ. I don’t want to get a tract on my way out of the theater nor do I want some stranger to shake my hand and pretend to be my best friend. Thanks but no thanks, and I’m a Christian!

The church marketing machine is strong. (Been to a Christian bookstore lately?) We can do bracelets, mugs and T-shirts with the best of them. But is it right? Are we interested in engaging with culture, or simply trying to convert people? When we invite friends to see the movie, will we feel that our night was a waste if we don’t get a chance to share The Four Laws? Is our agenda to buy people tickets so that the whole night feels like an awkward first date—you know, the “Well, he bought me dinner so I guess I have to kiss him,” scenario? Are we interested in people’s honest questions about the film, or only their response to the film (i.e. did they pray the prayer)? ...