Friday, February 13, 2004

Why the Christian Right is Wrong
First a disclaimer; I am myself a practicing Christian believer so I’m not attacking from the left, right or center. I’m rebuking sadly in Christian love.

In anticipation of the criticism I will receive for not including the so-called "Christian" Left in this piece I can say only that most Christian leftists have long ago abandoned normative Christian practices. There is therefore, no common ground from which I can say anything to them – they make it up as they go along and answer to a political, rather than a Biblical calling and so I must leave them to their own devices.

President George Bush and his Republican yes men find their largest and most gullible group of constituents among the Christian Right – a loosely defined amalgamation of churches and denominations that typically includes most fundamentalist Christians, particularly in the South.

I say "gullible" because few other groups are so easily led by slogans, so regularly ignore substance, and receive so little in return....

...Christians have widely supported the war of aggression against Iraq, which was waged without a declaration of war, and was waged against a country that "might" be a threat to us at some time. Under that rubric we could justify invading Bolivia or Australia. Many Christians say this is fine since Sadaam Hussein is a wicked man and so what if it had nothing to do with national defense or those elusive WMDs.

Sadaam Hussein was and is answerable to God Almighty and the Iraqi people, but he is most definitely not answerable to the United States of America. Unless of course we were suddenly to admit our culpability in creating him and announce that we were shooting our own dog....

...What about the last time Christians lobbied for constitutional change – remember the people gunned down in the streets after the moralistic attempt at prohibition and the wide acceptance of bootlegging that resulted. Ask yourself, was banning alcohol actually such a good idea?

That we are once again seeing gun fights in our streets as a result of the latest attempt at prohibition should make you ask yourselves some tough questions but it does not. You simply demand more and more of the same failing programs and pat yourselves proudly on the backs as the body count mounts and the prisons overflow. As if somehow pontificating for morality had actual worth and rejecting sober judgment had some merit....