Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Costing an Arm and a Leg
The victims of a growing mental disorder are obsessed with amputation.
By Carl Elliott
Posted Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 10:15 AM PT

Baz, in Whole: When less is more
Baz remembers first seeing an amputee when he was a 4-year old boy in Liverpool. By the time he was 7 he had begun to think, "This is the way I should be." It was not until Baz was in his 50s, however, that he actually had his leg amputated. Baz froze his leg in dry ice until it was irreversibly damaged, then persuaded a surgeon to complete the job. When he awoke from the anesthetic and his left leg was gone, he says, "All my torment had disappeared."...