Friday, September 26, 2003

It may be in poor taste to say "I told you so!" – but it cannot be said enough to those who won't recant their support of this rotten, failing, morally indefensible war. Didn't we tell them that each and every rationale for war was a brazen lie, most especially the alleged Iraqi "link" to Al Qaeda? The visit of 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta with an Iraqi intelligence agent in Prague never happened. The mysterious terrorist training camp in Iraq supposedly utilized by Al Qaeda somehow never turned up. Out of all those documents that the London Telegraph "found" in the rubble, all those tall tales of secret messages passed back and forth between the Iraqi dictator and agents of Osama bin Forgotten, all those thousands of words written by Laurie Mylroie and other fantasists "proving" Iraqi complicity with Al Qaeda – nothing! Vanished, along with those infamous weapons of mass destruction, in the fog of war. ...