Thursday, March 25, 2004

Gory, gory, hallelujah
YOU'D BE FORGIVEN FOR THINKING there was not much fun to be had from Mel Gibson's paschal bloodbath, The Passion of the Christ. It's an unrelenting two-hour gorefest in Latin and the only joke in it is extremely poor.

But you'd be wrong. The display of double standards from Christian anti-violence campaigners happily denying everything they have preached for a quarter-century has been thoroughly entertaining. For years they have told us that ketchup explosions degrade and corrupt viewers, that graphic violence inspires copycats and undermines society.

Now, without so much as a grinding of gears, they have stolen all the liberals' best arguments to explain why the film Roger Ebert called "the most violent I have ever seen" is the greatest story ever sold.

FIRST EXEMPLAR OF EVANGELICAL DOUBLETHINK is Jerry Falwell, founder of Moral Majority, pastor of the largest church in North America and scourge of the Tellytubbies....