Friday, April 02, 2004

Athletes Church Extreme, New Zealand

...It's particularly on the sacraments of baptism and communion that ACE have caused quite a stir. 'Extreme baptism', as they call it, involves new believers being baptised by bungee jumping off a bridge over a river such that they dip in the water. Before they jump careful calculations are made of the weight of the jumper and the elasticity of the cord so that when the cord is fully stretched the believers are immersed up to their waists in the river before being pulled out to shouts and whistles from other members of ACE.

The unusual sport of extreme ironing has gained quite a bit of publicity in the last few years. Whilst ACE deny a direct link, it certainly seems there has been some inspiration there for their 'extreme communions'. These always involve the elements of bread and wine being eaten and drunk. But ACE seem to go to whatever lengths they can to share communion in the most extreme places. They are pictured here skydiving, falling to earth at speeds of 600 miles an hour clutching the elements in novel formations known as the “prayer partners” and “ the fellowship of the ring”. ...