Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Answer the Question
White House press briefing, 12/06/04. Russell Mokhiber, editor of the Corporate Crime Reporter, takes Bush's religion seriously. Too bad Bush's spokesman, Scott McClellan, doesn't.

Mokhiber: Scott, on the Middle East -- many evangelical Christians in the United States are supporting right-wing Jews in Israel who want to rebuild the temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. They (Evangelical Christians) believe this is a prerequisite for Christ's return to earth. They believe that when Christ returns to earth -- they call this the rapture -- he will take back with him the true believers. And the rest -- the non-believers -- Jews, Muslims -- will be left behind to face a violent death here on earth. My question is, as a born again Christian, does the President support efforts to rebuild the temple on the Temple Mount?

Scott McLellan: Russ, we can sit here and talk about religious issues. I will be glad to take your question, and if there is more, I will get back to you on that.

Mokhiber: Is he a born again Christian?

Scott McLellan: Thank you. (McLellan abruptly ends the press briefing and walks out.)