Sunday, March 19, 2006

Cass Congratulates Alito at White House
Dr. Gary Cass had the honor Wednesday, February 1, to represent thousands of ministry supporters at the White House, when Samuel Alito was sworn in as the nation's 110th Supreme Court Justice. Dr. Cass, Executive Director of the Center for Reclaiming America for Christ, met and spoke with both Justice Alito, Justice Clarence Thomas, and Chief Justice John Roberts at the White House reception that followed Mr. Alito's oath-taking.

Dr. Kennedy celebrated the confirmation of Justice Alito, stating that he "will move the Court toward its proper function as an arbiter of the rule of law and away from its dangerous role as an agent of social change."

"It is my hope," Dr. Kennedy said, "that he will join those already on the Court who recognize that Roe v. Wade is a constitutional aberration and vote with them to reverse this most destructive ruling."

Just days before the Senate confirmed Alito to the Supreme Court, Coral Ridge Ministries delivered to the Senate more than 25,000 hand-signed petitions, urging a vote and Alito’s confirmation. ...

Dobson: Alito Sent Thank You Note for Backing His Nomination
DENVER — Focus on the Family founder James Dobson said Wednesday that new Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito sent him a letter thanking him and his radio listeners for their support during his Senate confirmation hearings.

Alito wrote that "the prayers of so many people from around the country were a palpable and powerful force. As long as I serve on the Supreme Court, I will keep in mind the trust that has been placed in me," Dobson said on his radio broadcast.

Supreme Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said Alito's note was in response to a letter Dobson sent congratulating him on his confirmation. ...