Monday, September 08, 2003
More from Radley Balko (the Agitator)
...Meanwhile, as President Bush promises to valiantly spend U.S. tax dollars to clean up the mess he made, as U.S. intellignece, resources and personnel continue to try to head off attacks in Iraq that were instigated by our own doing, the actual culprit behind 9/11 -- Osama bin Laden -- is still apparently alive and well, according to the New Yorker . Not only that, but he's living in a fairly modernized stone home in Afghanistan, whith creature comforts, and is planning his next round of attacks on the United States.
So to recap, we continue to lose troops, tax dollars and intelligence resources toward capturing a man who attacked the United States zero times in the last ten years and killed exactly zero Americans. Meanwhile, the man who has attacked the United States at least four times in the last ten years, not to mention several other attacks on Western interests, and has killed over 3,000 Americans, continues to live on, and to plan more attacks.
And while we're rebuilding from scratch a country that had barely tenuous ties to anti-American terrorism, Colin Powell went on the Sunday tak show circuit yesterday to unquestionably declare Pakistan and Saudi Arabia -- two countries that countless media outlets have exposed as direct financiers of terrorism and direct corroboratives of al-Qaeda -- as "firm allies....