Sunday, July 07, 2013

Kerry Takes Fire For Yachting During Egypt Crisis

Kerry Takes Fire For Yachting During Egypt Crisis
As the crisis in Egypt unfolded, a far more minor intrigue arose in Nantucket: Was Secretary of State John Kerry on a yacht Wednesday or not?

Briefly, he was, it turned out.

On Wednesday, a CBS News producer snapped a picture of a yacht and reported that the secretary was on board. The State Department initially called that report “completely inaccurate” but did not elaborate on Kerry’s whereabouts, saying only that he was working all day and phoned in to a Situation Room meeting on Egypt that afternoon. ...

John Kerry, who owns a $7 million yacht, a $7 million Beacon Hill townhome, a $9 million ocean-front Nantucket home, a $5 million Idaho ski retreat, a $4 million estate in Pennsylvania, and a $5 million home in Georgetown, wants you to undergo mandatory lifestyle cutbacks to prevent CO2-induced bad weather

MA Sen. John Kerry Puts his $7 million yacht in Rhode Island, Avoids MA Boat Tax
Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry is docking his family’s new $7 million yacht in neighboring Rhode Island, allowing him to avoid paying roughly $500,000 in taxes to the cash-strapped Bay State. Its ironic because these are the same kind of taxes from which Kerry is paid to represent the people of Massachusetts....