Sunday, July 21, 2013

Michigan judge halts Detroit bankruptcy because it dishonors Obama
...Aquilina, who granted the restraining order, clearly was irked.

Prior to her ruling on Friday, she criticized the Snyder administration and Attorney General’s Office for what appeared to be hasty action to outflank pension board attorneys.

“It’s cheating, sir, and it’s cheating good people who work,” the judge told assistant Attorney General Brian Devlin. “It’s also not honoring the (United States) president, who took (Detroit’s auto companies) out of bankruptcy.”

Aquilina said she would make sure President Obama got a copy of her order.

“I know he’s watching this,” she said, predicting the president ultimately will have to take action to make sure existing pension commitments are honored....

...She also ordered that a copy of her declaratory judgment be sent to President Barack Obama, saying he “bailed out Detroit” and may want to look into the pension issue....

Judge Rules That Detroit's Bankruptcy Is Unconstitutional, Ruling That It "Dishonors" Obama
... But that itself would be unconstitutional -- that would give Detroit voters the right to vote themselves the wealth of Michigan taxpayers.

Which seems to be precisely what the judge is saying -- Detroit spent money it didn't have, and spent itself into the grave, and now innocent taxpayers are required to make good on its contracts, despite not being parties to those contracts and despite not being under the sovereign political authority of Detroit.