Saturday, December 06, 2003

"Leave Your Seat. Leave Your Sin" Part III
It's all good? Hardly. How the invitation has corrupted evangelicalism.
by Michael Spencer

...The use of the altar call came alongside a series of theological shifts in evangelicalism. These shifts were foundational, as evangelicals rejected the Biblical foundations of reformed theology. The invitation was not simply pragmatic- it was deeply rooted in significant theological changes regarding human ability, the extent of depravity, the work of the Holy Spirit, the place of regeneration, the nature of faith and the relationship of faith and works. What were these shifts?

Each one could occupy an essay unto itself. I will simply list several of the most significant....

...Today ministerial manipulation is a highly valued skill. Ministers who can effectively get people down the aisle are considered superior evangelists. Of course, once this corrupting error has been set loose in Christianity, there has been no limit to what some will do, and if it results in "decisions," it will be defended as an anointed work of God....

...I attended a Promise Keepers meeting this year, and at the conclusion of the meeting, a cross was brought down to the floor and an elaborate invitation was offered with the stated goal of getting everyone down to the floor to touch the cross. Those of us who refused to participate in the pre-announced Holy Spirit inspired commitment to bring five lost men to a PK meeting next year were looked at as if we were the Taliban, or at least unconverted ourselves.

This sort of thing is a false spirituality. It is the spirituality that says wearing a Christian t-shirt, listening to Christian music, going to Christian concerts, eating Christian cereal is somehow an expression of faith. But anyone familiar with medieval Roman Catholicism would quickly spot what evangelicalism is turning into by going this road....