Sunday, December 28, 2003

Meet the New Boss...
Fed up with wartime sweetheart deals between the from-Texas administration occupying the White House and Texas-based contractor-construction outfit Brown & Root, a brazen young Congressman took to the floor of the House of Representatives and declared:

...under one contract, between the U.S. Government and this combine, [RMK-BRJ] it is officially estimated that obligations will reach at least $900 million....why this huge contract has not been and is not now being adequately audited is beyond me. The potential for waste and profiteering under such a contract is substantial.

The year was 1966. Brown & Root was then its own company -- it's now a subsidiary of Haliburton. The war was Vietnam. The administration pushing no-bid sweetheart deals was the Lyndon Johnson administration.

And the brazen young Congressman calling for an investigation?

Donald H. Rumsfeld.